Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hear your healing!

By: Amber Colbear

At first mention, the term “Vibrational Sound Medicine”, often surprises or strikes a chord of curiosity in most folks. While, it sounds seemingly unconventional, it is actually an ancient and modern healing modality that we can observe every day consciously and unconsciously. 

Since, innately we all respond to the resonating rock and rolls of rhythm and blues, in a variety of our own everyday ways. Physically, we see this in the tapping of our foot alongside a tune on the radio. Even more so, in the occasional air guitar or finger drum session that jams out when a special song starts thumping. In contrast, there’s always that one or two songs on standby that let lose the ol’ shoulder tension when we need to unwind.  

Mentally, a song can bring back a catalogue of sensory acuities; like smell and memory, moreover the use of classical compositions lend to analytic concentration, cognitive therapies and aid in unearthing and harnessing one’s true creative potentials. Meanwhile, emotionally, we can become nostalgic, romantic, amped or even moody over a melody or a bass line. In the same turn, we all have that one special song that will turn our frown upside down.

From a spiritual standpoint, in modern day we see the use of music to inspire; uplifting a myriad of universal truths and imploring philanthropic causes. Ancient civilizations, indigenous cultures and modern day religious forums commonly employ the use of music, as a cornerstone in entertainment, celebration and healing. In kind, some people find specific types of music to be quite off-putting. 

Generally speaking, the music, static or sounds that people find most disconcerting usually have jarring, pitchy or tinny sounds or spikes within its hum or frequency. By and large, the sound produced in these instances usually has very low EMF (electromagnetic frequency) that runs in disharmony with the natural frequency of the human body.

Ever wonder where “walking to the tune of your favourite song” came from?  This turn of phrase speaks amply towards the power of sound, as it stirs the surreal and real, affecting the temperaments of at least, four known states of being. 
To keep it simple, these four main realities intermingle to carry the weight of balancing health in the realms of our physical, spiritual, emotional and mental wellbeing. 

Vibrational Sound Medicine like the Law of Physics validates the foundation that everything in existence is in a constant state of vibration. The frequency at which a person, place or thing most naturally vibrates at is called resonance. Our energy field is an intricate mosaic that finds its purest expression in a symphony of sound, frequency, matter, and of course, energy! 

The auric field, Chakra centers, organs and skeletal system in the body, all hold a different resonance frequency. When we are off balance physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually; a part of the body is vibrating out of tune creating “dis-ease” or disease due to vibrational disharmony. Our body is in a healthy state of balance when each cell, organ and Chakra create a resonance that is in harmony with our whole being. 

Vibrational Sound Medicine works on the premise that all illness or disease is a blockage in one or all of these four realities. When there is a blockage, the reciprocal cell, organ and/or chakra in query stops vibrating at a healthy frequency and results in a malady of the body, mind, heart or soul.

 Thus, through the intentional application of pure tonal sound in helix with the body’s natural resonance, we can balance and release any blockages in our etheric and physical bodies to maintain total health and wellbeing. 

Tune into Gusto Magazine’s next issue to find out more about Vibrational Sound Medicine and how to tune up your body with your favourite tunes!

The Elemental Artist

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