Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What you say is true...

By: Kathy Corbett - King

Words are powerful creators.  Words transform our thoughts, feelings and ideas into real time and space thus creating them into physical form.  What we think, feel, hear, believe and speak is the reality we step into.  These truths become our story.  The story you believe and tell is what you live.  Are you happy with your story?

What if your story was manic depression?  You experienced low times and high times.  During the low times you would stay in bed.  You would not answer the phone, open the mail or go to work. 

During the high times you loved the world, socialized and went to work.  Your truth in this story is during the low times you are uncontrollably sad and during your high times you are uncontrollably happy and energetic.  

Your doctor said “you suffer from manic depression”.  Your employer said “we don’t really like or understand why you need so much sick leave”.   Your spouse said many things but never the right things so he/she stopped speaking to you and gave you your space.  

Now the story includes the feeling, thoughts and truths of other people which your manic brain assembles into a logical story that is based on past experience and the perceptions of others.  You are diagnosed with a medical disorder.  It is  a misunderstood condition in most workplaces and during your low times you are alone and disconnected from your spouse, family and friends.  The new story is that when you have low times  you are extremely unhappy which makes others distant and judgemental.  This expands your feeling of sadness and you also begin to feel distant, judgmental and angry with your Self.

What you say is true.  “I am sad.  I can’t go to work.  I am not normal because I don’t want to get out of bed.  There is something wrong with me because I don’t want to speak to people and I don’t want to go to work.  I just want to curl up, hide and be in my own little world.”   This is the dialogue in your manic brain and in your sad heart.  You believe this story, this is your truth.

What if you changed the story.  What if you believed something different?  What if someone gave your manic brain new words, perspective and truth about your experience?  What if someone told you that you are beautiful and all the pieces of you are beautiful because they are a part of who you are.  What if you learned to understand and love all the aspects of your Self.  What if you learned how to use your low times to balance the high times and therefore live a different story.

Words are powerful but also plentiful.  If the words or story that you are telling do not ImPower you than choose different words and rewrite your story.  It may not ‘cure’ a medical disorder but it will definitely change how you live with it.

Kathy Corbett-King ~ BodynSol
Healing & ImPowerment Coaching 
382 West 5th   

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