Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mom's Kitchen: Curried Sweet Potato Soup

A warm and savoury soup that sticks to your ribs! Not only delicious, this vitamin-rich delight is full of flavour and works great as an appetizer or entree.

1 onion, chopped              
6 cups vegetable broth
1 clove garlic, minced                                       
2 tsp. Curry powder
2  stalks celery, chopped                                   
½ tsp. Turmeric
1 tbsp. Olive oil                                                 
1 tsp. Fresh lemon juice
1 lb. Sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped        
 ½  cup plain Greek yogurt (optional)
1 lb butternut squash, peeled and chopped       
 ¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro

In a large pot over medium high heat , sauté onion,  garlic and celery in the olive oil until soft,  about 5 minutes

Add sweet potatoes, squash, broth, curry powder and turmeric and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer  until sweet potato and squash are tender , about 20-25 minutes

Remove from heat, cool slightly and transfer mixture to a blender or food processor and puree until smooth.

Stir in lemon juice and serve with 2 tbsp. Yogurt and  ½ - 1 tbsp. Cilantro  (or to  your taste) Enjoy!

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