Sunday, June 9, 2013

Liquid Crystal Love 5: Collecting and storing water!

Collecting and Storing Spring Water

 Lots of people ask me where to get Spring Water.  There are a few local springs but my favourite waters come from Northern Ontario Springs.  I find these waters lower in minerals with a great taste.  I have friends and family bringing me water from all over the north.  It’s like a wine tasting!  I sip and savor to see if the water tastes light, heavy, mossy, glacier or earthy.  There is nothing like the taste of raw living water!  Ask people who are regular cottage goers or locals where the nearest spring is located.  I am sure you have been driving along a northern country road and have watched people collecting their water.  Once you find a spring, it’s fun to talk to some people who are frequenting it.  I once met a man who had been drinking from a particular spring for 50 years! is a great resource for finding water in your area.  You can also submit Springs that you find.  The fun part – you get to name them!


Treat your water like a fine wine! We are mostly made up of water so this water will become you. Never store your water in plastic.  Glass carboy’s can be purchased from brew supply stores. 11.5 litre carboys should be sold at less than $20.  If you are fit and can do the lifting, 19 and 23 litre carboys are available.  Corks are less than a dollar for this size.  Wine Village in Stoney Creek has some nice products.  Handles for your carboys are great and range from $5 to $7 each.

You may also purchase bottles from local classified ads, garage sales or antique stores. The darker the glass is the better.  You want to keep the water dark and cold to prevent possible bacteria growth and to keep your water tasting fresh. 

I started out with some good old fashion wine bottles. Four litre jugs are also handy for storing water in the fridge.  I personally use a Miron glass bottle for carrying water around with me.  “Miron glass water bottles incorporate the colour healing properties of the violet spectrum. The violet glass filters all but the UVA and infra-red spectra of light. This light beneficially stimulates biological substances stored within the glass container. Miron glass containers have unique properties that offer optimal protection against the aging and degeneration typically caused by exposure to light.” 

The perfect place to store it (other than the fridge) is in a cold room or cool basement area.  Keep the water covered with a blanket to protect it from the light.  Make sure you sanitize your bottles before use.  I prefer to use warm water, baking soda and vinegar but if the bottles are very dirty you may need to buy a cleaning solution from the brewing store.   

Collecting your own water is, in my opinion, a very magical experience. I have learned to appreciate water in many ways that I hadn’t before. I know you have many questions.  More articles about Spring Water are coming!  Happy Spring Hunting!

 Vanessa Pazzi
 The Water Angel

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