Each beautiful snowflake that you will see this winter, is actually a unique crystalline structure made up of water molecules. There are infinite different possibilities, in the intricate details of how water manifests, in the shapes of snowflakes. They may look similar, especially when they were created in the same storm, but it is extremely rare, if not impossible, to find two that are actually the same.
Snowflakes can come from different water sources with different possible environmental pollutants, they evaporate into differently shaped clouds, hovering over different locations...
They fall in different shapes and sizes from different altitudes, at differing temperatures. And they can last on Earth for different amounts of time, before melting back into water.
Infinity… A Google search for the definition reveals, that the word has roots in Latin. ‘In’ means ‘not’ and ‘finites’ means ‘finished or finite’. It is limitless and expansive. Some examples of finite resources on our planet, would be water and trees. As there is a certain amount or volume of it/them present, at any given time on Earth. When we explore infinity far enough, we start getting into topics that are impossible to measure and can only be explored as possibilities. Some examples of infinite resources might be; Usui Reiki energy and unconditional love. Please know that in the following article I am not trying to definitively explain any part of infinity, I am just inspired to write about some of the possible consequences of the concept of it.
There are no absolute certainties when it comes to infinity… Distance and size are relative terms. How far is far? I guess it depends on the physical location and whether you are walking, riding, driving or flying - in a plane or in a rocketship! How large is large and how small is small? A car seems a whole lot bigger when you are standing next to it versus when you are looking down on it, from the window of a plane… Also, our sun looks huge when it is shown, in relation to our planet Earth, but yet it looks tiny when it is shown in relation to one of the many bigger stars, such as Arcturus, which NASA’s website reports as being 23 times bigger.
At the end of the first, Men In Black movie (Directed by Barry Sonnenfeld. Columbia, 1997) , the camera focuses in on Will Smith and his new partner “L”, in their car and then pans out, revealing; the traffic, the street, New York, North America, Earth, the Sun and The Milky Way Galaxy, which it then turns out, is just one marble that an alien is playing with… If you don’t know the movie, you can see a similar panning effect, by scrolling out from any point on the application, Google Earth. Even without technology, you can explore this idea, by allowing your imagination to focus in on, the place where you currently are and then expanding your view out, as far as your imagination will go.
It is said that our universe is infinite… So what is beyond our solar system and Milky Way Galaxy? What if our whole universe is only one part of a larger multiverse? Could there be an infinite number of universes? If so, then couldn’t there be other sentient beings out there? They may or may not exist exactly like we do, in the third dimension, but just because we can’t identify other beings or entities with our five senses, does not necessarily mean that they do not exist, here on Earth or out there in space. Perhaps there are other life forms existing in other dimensions that we simply could not experience from our third dimensional point of view. How many other dimensions are there anyways…?
There are many fundamental life questions that can have many different truthful answers depending on who you ask them to... Where does my soul travel to, while I sleep? When I die…? Your answer may or may not be the same as your neighbors’. Where does my soul come from? Where has my soul been? We are all only seeing one perspective of the world, our own sentient view.
Our personal truth is generally based upon the beliefs and experiences that we have learned from and accept to be true. We all need to explore and evaluate what is true for ourselves. In an infinite universe, just because two people’s beliefs may be different, does not mean that one of them has to be wrong. We can choose to honor, the existence of all other sentient beings and their beliefs as well. Our differences are what make each of us unique.
If you are unsure about what is true for you, you can gain access to insight and answers from your subconscious soul through many different ways, including; prayer, meditation, relaxation, analysis of symbols in dreams, psychic readings and also through hypnosis.
We are like snowflakes; similar and yet beautifully different. All of the 7 billion+ people on this planet (including identical twins) have their own unique set of fingerprints , their own bodies and souls, personalities, passions and egos, karma and merit, lessons learned from current life experiences and possibly past lifetimes, beliefs, and truths, forming their own unique realities.
Situations in life can always get infinitely better or infinitely worse, depending on what you are focusing on. Whatever feeling you are feeling, in any given moment will be attracting more of that feeling and amplifying that state. This is why when you are feeling like you are at the bottom of your barrel, you may find that there actually is no bottom and that your situation could still get worse. I was experiencing that realization, when I learned from a professional coach, that a wonderful way to stop a spiral of negative feelings and feelings of rejection for your life situation, is to focus in on what you feel thankful for, in any given moment. Even in your darkest moment, there will still be something that you can find to feel thankful for. Even if it is your breath. If you can focus on the feeling of gratitude for that thing, then you will naturally be attracting more of the things and situations that you would feel greatful for.
Every human being is a creator, creating their own unique expression of life, through simply living and just being themselves. It is possible that every human being could have a creator as well. It is also possible that different human beings could have different creators and it is even possible that a person’s creator may have a creator… We can only know what we feel to be true for us, regarding this. Which creation story resonates best with you? How far back in time does humanity actually reach, on this Earth anyways? How many ancient civilizations were present on our planet before our current set of known history began?
We are the consequences of our species’ past and everything that existed before us. If our ancestors did not decide to do exactly what they did, precisely when they did it, then we may not find ourselves even here, or in the same situations that we find ourselves in. Human history and human creation is not yet finished either. There is endless potential for us to create change, to heal and to evolve in our personal lives, as well as in our combined future reality.
Imagination is a tool that we can use to solve problems and to enhance our lives. Try not to limit your imagination or your potential when it comes to what you are the most passionate about and what your soul wants to focus on. The creative possibilities in our imaginations are infinite. Together, we can create a more sustainable way of life, for our future generations. In order to affect changes, we will have to take physical actions as well, but getting inspired with our imagination is one place where we can start the creation process of infinite possibility, to begin manifesting in our own lives. What will you focus your imagination on creating in your life, in the New Year?
Care Hudson
Relaxation Therapist
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