Saturday, April 6, 2013

Liquid Crystal Love : Part 2 Collected by my own hands!

By: Vanessa Pazzi

In my last article I explained why Natural Spring Water is referred as Liquid Crystal Love.  Liquid being water, Crystal meaning crystallized or magically charged by the earth and Love meaning pure life-force energy given to us by our creator.  My observation was that somehow this magical Spring Water (from a spring or artesian well) seems to make people feel joyous and alive.

Why doesn’t bottled water or tap water have this same effect?  Any water that has been filtered or manipulated by man’s contraptions or substances loses it natural structure and life force energy.  These waters are likely to have been sitting in rusty pipes, storage tanks and plastic water bottles. In addition, they are filled with chemicals and medications. An article written by CBC News ( states the following: “birth control pills, cancer drugs and a host of other pharmaceuticals that people flush down the drain every day are showing up in our drinking water”. 

Fluoride (along with other chemicals) is added to our local tap water. There is evidence that supports that Fluoride, a waste product of the aluminium and phosphate fertilizer industry, is a neurotoxin.  The Physicians Desk reference lists dental fluorosis, skin interruptions, gastric distress, immune system problems, Down Syndrome and more as side effects of Fluoride.  In its concentrated form it has been used as rat poison, pesticide and for de-worming pigs. If want to learn more Google: Fluoride.

So Brand Name bottled water comes from a Natural Spring just as if you had collected it yourself right?

No, not exactly.  According the Canadian Food and Drug Administration, “bottled water is water which has been packaged in sealed containers for use by consumers. The water can come from a variety of sources including springs, aquifers, or municipal supplies and the water may be treated to make it fit for people to drink”. Municipal water supplies? So in other words, tap water.  Health Canada’s site ( says the following, “Bottled water that is not labelled as spring or mineral water may be from any source and can be treated to make it fit for human consumption or to modify its original composition.”  

What exactly does “any source” mean?  So, the company can treat the water and it can be from any source, interesting. The water is also stored in plastic bottles. Plastic is unstable for a year and needs that long to off-gas otherwise BPA’s and other structural fibers leach into the water. Do you think these companies are letting their plastic “Off-gas”?  Temperature changes in the plastic can also cause it to Off-gas into your water. What do you think happens when the water sits on a truck on the highway in the middle of the summer? I do not need to go into the discussion about plastic causing estrogen dominant cancers because I am sure you already know about that.  Drinking Bottled water is not the same as collecting Spring Water yourself.

Liquid Crystal Love- collected by my own hands, is the best choice for me, alive with energy from the earth! Listen to what your heart tells you and do your research you will make the choice that’s right for you.  Are you going to trust the government and commercial bottled water companies or trust in mother earth? 

Vanessa Pazzi 
The Water Angel

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