Thursday, April 4, 2013

What is Hypnosis?

By: Linda Kraan- Benson

What is the first thing that comes to mind when hearing the word, Hypnosis?  Many people think of other’s acting like chickens and making us laugh.   This is indeed one form of hypnosis, but it goes much “deeper” than that……

Hypnosis is a focused, “trance like state”, characterized byextreme suggestibility, relaxation and heightened imagination.

It is also a very gentle method of uncovering your skills, talents, 
goals, dreams & aspirations.  Whether you suffer from pain, anxiety, stress, insomnia, eating disorders, weight issues, fears or phobias, lack of self esteem, motivation, bad habits, a debilitating health issue, relationship breakup, home or career move, or simply wishing to advance through life in a more 
positive and fulfilling manner, hypnosis will help you.

HYPNOSIS can be extremely healing and cathartic.

Transformational, Therapeutic, Medical, Metaphysical & Forensic Hypnosis: As with any other form of “medicine”, “healing” or “energy work”, there are different areas of hypnosis.  Hypnotists are skilled practitioners, some remain “general”  
hypnotists and other’s go on to specialize in their field.  

Some work with the police force, other’s with doctors and/or other health care practitioners, other’s with a particular population or demographic.  Some hypnotists go into the counselling field of Hypnotherapy, and other’s into the entertainment field.

How to choose a hypnotist:
In my opinion, choosing a hypnotist is like fitting your hand into a well worn glove.  Take advantage of “free” consultations.  Ask questions, 
e.g. which form of hypnosis is used, their expertise, fees, hours, how many sessions, etc.  Before you commit, try a relaxation session first, this is always a great indicator of how things will proceed.  Do you like their voice, the way they speak, clarity, tone, pitch. Are they attentive, loud or softly spoken?   Don’t assume that every Hypnotist is the same.  Find one that you are comfortable with and who fits your needs.

Hypnosis is non-threatening and incredibly safe.  Most people can be hypnotized; however, there is a small population that hypnosis may not be the correct therapy, i.e. those with diminished cognitive awareness, or extreme mental illness.  

During hypnosis, you always remain in control.  You decide how far you wish to proceed, what you need to uncover, retrieve etc.  You can end a session anytime you wish. There is absolutely no mind control involved. Try a deep relaxation session and see what you “think”...

Angels Whisper & Hypnosis2heal
Linda Kraan-Benson  is a practicing Master Hypnotis 
Specializing in: Past Live Exploration and Women’s health., 905-515-3206

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