Friday, February 14, 2014

TRANSFORMATION: PART 2 - The “Transformative” path…..for a New Year

In part one, you learned how to tap into your potential, search out your skills, learn your likes and dislikes and understand the need for personal change.
Now you are sufficiently prepared to take the next step towards your life goals and your ultimate dreams.
Transformation (or change of any kind) is not easy.  Releasing old habits and thoughts can often be challenging and frustrating, but patience is the key to recovery.  Recognizing why you need or want to make a change is vital.   You can only make changes for yourself. It is important to understand that you cannot make changes for another, unless you are a parent of a small child or the caregiver of someone who is unable to make life choices.
Transformation is about empowering yourself, giving yourself permission to release and let go of that which is no longer serving a purpose in your current life.  This could be a relationship, a home, a job, or simply a thought system.
Letting go of a relationship often seems to be the most challenging aspect of transformation.  We tend to become “stuck” in a situation when another is concerned, and we may have a difficult time cutting ties to family, friends or colleagues to benefit our lives.  We are so focused on not hurting an individual (or causing more tension, more friction and/or more upheaval in an emotional situation) that we lose ourselves to save another. 
You are the only person who can choose to cut these ties.  You are the only one who chooses how you spend the rest of your life.  Listen to your “gut” feeling and ask yourself simple questions:  Does this relationship make your life easier or more difficult?  Do you spend more time crying than laughing?  Do you constantly have a spring in your step, or are you constantly tired?
Your “gut” response will provide the answers for you, listen carefully!  Your first response is the true response. 
So, how do you make the change?  When you have decided to “release” the old, and “initiate” the new, everything falls into place.  You will meet new people who can guide and support you, you will find solutions and options you had never thought of.  Talking about your feelings, your fears and your future to a professional or third party listener can also help you to understand your needs and help you see clearly into the next phase of your life.   Support groups are great for meeting others who have either gone through or are going through similar circumstances as you are.  You may also choose to promote encouragement and motivation in others, using your experiences and coping skills to facilitate growth.   You may choose to read or write about your struggles and your journey forward. 
Changing thoughts 
Believe it or not,, changing your thoughts is the most challenging undertaking of all.  Letting go of inherited thoughts (labels or ideals given to you as a child), cemented indoctrination (religious, educational, parental), peer expectation (conforming/acceptance) and issues of confidence & self worth are all very difficult to accomplish.
Change one word (or belief) at a time is the way forward.  You can do this through meditation, visualization, peer support groups and/or counselling session. Initiate and design your own “mantra”, a word, sound or vibration which functions as a repetitive sounding focus point, an anchor, allowing your mind to utilize and accept what is being said or heard. 
  • Try chanting as an exercise.
  • Write a dream list or create a dream board.  This gives you a visual focus point, something to plan for, something you can actually see, rather than mentally envision.
  • Surround yourself with inspirational books of poetry or stories, spiritually uplifting or vibrational music (harp, drums, wind instruments, bird or ocean sounds).  Hypnotic or rhythmic movement, (swaying, soul dancing).
  • Believe – this is where it all begins.  Believe you are worthy, believe you have the knowledge, and believe you are the key to change.  BELIEVE in all that is “universally” true.  Believe you are better than the words of other’s.  BELIEVE you will transform and change for a better and more rewarding life.
  • Trust and Faith – have faith in your own power, and, trust in the outcome.


Workshops on Transformation & Life Enhancement starting soon at Lavandula Wellness Centre.
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