Thursday, February 13, 2014

New Year, New You

The New Year is approaching!  We all are guilty of creating goals for the year ahead and not following through.  Goals take planning and initiative.  Rome wasn't built in a day and it wasn't built by one person.  Seek help from others around you, dream big and PLAN YOUR GOALS!

Great ways to stay on track:

For business:  Have huge goals for the New Year?  Want to take your business venture to new levels or start up a new one?  You may need someone to hold you accountable.  As an entrepreneur for the past 5 years I have learned how valuable it is to have help and be accountable.  Try hiring business or life coach to check in with and run your ideas by them.  A non biased opinion is always nice to have when in business.  It’s easy to let our heart get in the way of tough decision making and taking risks, even when we know what is best.  Alternatively you could hire a student or part-time receptionist to help take the load off of your day to day tasks so you can focus on the bigger picture, 10-15 hours a week of help can have a huge impact!
Personal Life:  This is a tough one.  Whether you are looking to decrease stress, gain confidence, write a book or run a marathon it is not easy to keep yourself motivated!  Keep a journal document the changes, good and bad, along the way.  This will help you to see your growth on paper so you don't quit when the going gets tough!  Meditation can help you to master your thoughts, manifest and take control back in your life, or give it up if that’s what you need.  There are different types of meditation: guided, spiritual, movement, mindfulness to name a few.  Pick one that works for you and go with it! Yoga is another great form of creating awareness in your mind and body!  Try meditation and/or yoga for 30 days!  I guarantee you will notice a difference in your mind and your body awareness.  A life coach can also help you to stay focused, keep you accountable and give you great ideas or insight on your goal. 

Health and Wellness:  This is the most common topic of goals for the New Year.  I always hear my clients saying their goals are to lose weight, quit smoking, eat healthier, exercise more and take better care of themselves.  There are a few ways to stay on track when it comes to being healthy.  Ensure that you are booking regular wellness appointments such as: relaxation massages, chiropractic care, acupuncture, reflexology or a facials to name a few.  

These appointments will help keep you:
 a) healthy
 b) pain free 
c) pampered and 
d) accountable.  

Your practitioner/therapist can help you overcome your obstacles in health by giving you ideas on healthy meal plans, fun activities to keep you moving and by answering your health and wellness questions!  As practitioners, we remember what you tell us, if you are going to the gym 3 times a week and we see you a month later; we will ask if you are still going to the gym.  We can also tell the differences in your range of motion, flexibility, muscle tone and alignment. 

For all your goals in life, a "goal buddy" always helps too!  Join a gym class with a friend, hire a personal trainer, ask another author or colleague to help write your book with you, whatever your goals there is always someone like minded willing to help or jump on board your new project. Goals don't have to be hard to reach.  Hard work, accountability, passion and a plan will guarantee success when it comes to your goals in life! 
Need help with your goals, give me a call!  I will connect you to the right path and the right people to start making changes in your life!

Stephanie Muir
RMT/Acupuncture Practitioner
Lavandula Wellness Centre
46 King St W Dundas ON  L9H 1T7
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