Sunday, February 16, 2014

Fresh Changes With Hope

Spring has sprung and what wonderful energy comes once winter begins to loosen its cold grasp! 

All through January our thoughts have flown on gossamer wings of imagination, growing, changing, and evolving into our life’s possibilities. With the passing of Imbolc or Candlemas, the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, we have begun to feel the renewed energy of the Earth waking and beginning to build beneath our feet.  In response our own spirit and energy begin to rise and we joyfully embrace this burgeoning renewal.

As the time for the Equinox gets closer, we can no longer ignore the building heat and warmth.  Spring is fast approaching and with it comes an obvious sense of renewal and rebirth.  In this surging energy, we may have found one or two of our imaginings having a little more staying power.  If we spend a little time thinking of these few ideas we can feel our excitement and drive being fueled just as life is returning to our world. Our spirit has recognized these ideas as the most promising source of growth and change for this coming year.  We have allowed our dreams to form the rough shapes and outlines of our goals and now the energy of spring says that it is time to do more.  It is time to examine our dreams and plan while we look for the most fertile methods that will aid in growing our dreams.

This is the time to plan our course, to look at our options, and to plan how best to work toward our dreams and goals. This is the season of mapping our possibilities, and contingencies. This isn’t about big changes or big movement, not yet.  This is a time to plan how best to encourage our desires within the fertile ground of our spirit.  We look for the simple steps that will spur our dreams and desires forward.

As with all seeds, not all will germinate.  Those that do can and will become the stuff that inspires us throughout our life.  We may have seen our end goal but we must remember that the end is not our beginning.  Each new spring gives us the opportunity to plant anew, to move forward in our life path and to celebrate as our spirit embraces the opportunities that abound.

Monthly Meditation

Take three deep breaths, feel your body relax with each gently exhaled breath.  Imagine a column of white light surrounding and protecting you as you journey inward toward your heart. Once within your heart imagine a door opening…

Beyond the door are fallow fields, and barren trees.  Yet this landscape is not a lifeless as it would seem. The sun and gentle breezes carry a hint of warmth, the warmth that is growing and stirring life into being.  The small birds that have stayed through the Winter chorus a song that buoys the spirit and a new song joins with them as the first robins of the year return to sing their herald to Spring.  

Even a closer look at the trees shows the first signs of returning life as the first tiny buds appear.  The fallow fields are not barren either as the first Spring flowers of crocus, iris, tulips and more have broken through the hard grasp of winter.  In the distance is an inviting, warm cottage and you walk toward it.  

Inside a fire chases the last of winter’s chill from your body.  A woman is tending to seeds and pots spread out along the table.  Her warm smile melts any remain chill in your spirit. She is the one who tends your inner garden and all of these seeds, strewn across the table, were born from your flights of fancy.  

She hands you the seeds of thought that have stayed with you the longest in those imaginings.  They have been warmed by Her gentle touch and are ready for planting.  Her gentle touch warms the earth and as you begin to plant your dream seeds Her voice gently reminds you of the possibility that each of these seeds hold.  

Within the warm, moist ground, the seed is protected and begins the process of growth that will bring it into being as the year itself moves forward.  With the sowing done she takes your hand and reminds you that this is only the beginning, and that you have everything you need to make this a reality. 

 She says that she will tend to these seeds as you begin the outward process to allow them to become part of your outward life. You leave the cottage with a renewed vigor and bounce to your step.

Return to the waking world knowing that you have taken the first, vital steps to becoming and having your dreams come true. 

Blessings of Light and Love

Cheryl Camillo - Spiritual Counselor & Healer

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