Thursday, February 27, 2014

Child Care in the Millennium: A Sustainable Approach

Funny, I am here writing our premier article (welcome Gusto Community!) on sustainable child care. And while I thought I would be able to pen my thoughts in record speed, I found myself being constantly distracted by my lovely (albeit very vocal) eight year old daughter.

 Don’t get me wrong, she is my life line, my pumpkin patch, my…Well you get my drift! And for those with a single child family, you can appreciate that to an “only child” we are parent, playmate, dolly (or action hero) – you name it! As parents, we wear many hats for our children – all the while, barely keeping afloat and sleep deprived to boot!

Anyhow coming back to my intended point…
So what does sustainability have to do with child care? Does the term “sustainable” not relate to the environment; a tree, or something like that? These are just some of the thoughts that may be going through your minds. Or maybe you simply get the connection and will understand my words with little contemplation.  

So, without further a du, let’s consider the Merriam Webster dictionary definition of the term “sustainable” – “able to last or continue for a long time.” Perhaps you are wondering whether it is even necessary for child care to be sustainable.

 For me the simple answer is an unequivocal yes! Why? Because, as parents we often find ourselves stressed out running from work to day care drop-offs and pick-ups, to activities and play dates, and then back home to carry on with a plethora of more tasks before being worthy enough to put our head to pillow, fall deeply into a dreamy sleep  and then wake to repeat the same routine. The truth is simply this - while we love our families – let’s keep it real! 

Such routines are sure to lead us down a path of anxiety, sleepless nights (if we have newborns or toddlers), less quality family time and ultimately burn out (at least if we don’t figure out what works for us as individuals).

So, what would be a sustainable approach? And, what does sustainable child care feel like?
Umm…Sustainable child care truly reflects our family’s values and needs (whatever they may be – or not!) and it will leave us with a sigh of relief coupled with a feeling of tranquility. In many ways, sustainable child care is akin to true love. We can never know what form it will come in and how we will feel when presented with it, but we will be damned if we can live without it once we have been gifted with it.  

Christine Bodden & Candace Batchelor

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