Saturday, July 6, 2013

Different Flavours of Hugs and Reiki

By: Care Hudson

Everything in our 3D world is made of energy.  

This energy is in everything; including you, me, the Gusto magazine that you are holding, or the computer screen that you are looking at.  Although the building blocks of matter, atoms and cells, look similar, each different piece of matter has, its own energetic vibration.  You can see examples of this in art and music.  

The notes used in two songs may be the same, but their overall vibration can be very different.  Similarly, the paint and canvas used in two paintings may be similar, but with them, the artist can create two very different pieces that generate different reactions.  

Any person can transfer their own energy to another person.  In fact we do it all the time, unconsciously.  Our inner emotions and subsequent thoughts carry different energetic vibrations and can be transmitted, within all forms of our communications or connections.  When two people hug each other, for example, they can experience a very intimate connection.  By the close proximity of their physical bodies, their auras or energy bodies are also connecting.  

Not all hugs feel the same, as you know.  For example, hugging your mom can feel different from hugging your dad, sibling, friend or partner.  Yes, this is because their physical body’s shapes will be different, but also because different people have different energetic vibrations.  Also, the same two people can hug quite differently at different times, depending on what is going on in their lives, which may be affecting their energy levels.   Are they feeling elated?  Are they feeling depleted?  Each hug is a unique experience.  No two hugs are ever the same.  

There is always an energy exchange that takes place, in a hug.  It may be an equal exchange or it may be coming more strongly from one person towards the other.  The thought or intention behind the hug, such as; “I love you” or “I hope you feel better soon,” defines that hug’s vibration.  The source of the energy being transmitted in a hug is generally the Ki energy or life force, of the participants themselves.  

Reiki is a modality of energy healing that involves a transfer of energy.  This healing energy is not coming from the practitioner’s ki energy system directly, but is flowing through it, from a larger source that the practitioner is trained and attuned, to connect with.  The source energy is then directed, primarily through the hands of the practitioner, into their client’s energy body or aura.

Reiki works by clearing out stagnant energy and replacing it with new fresh source energy.  Healing, an issue on the energetic level can then allow for greater ease of healing taking place, on the physical level.  Plus it feels very good and is extremely relaxing.  
 The practice of Reiki is always evolving, and there may be more styles, but I can share with you only about the two styles that I have experienced and practice, Usui and Celtic. 

Usui Reiki was founded by Japanese Buddhist, Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan, around 1922.  This style uses frequencies of energy from the ‘Sky’ or cosmic universe.  It is the most common form of Reiki found in North America, and it was introduced to the western world, by a female master, named Hawayo Takata, in the early 1970’s.  

Celtic Reiki is a newer style which was founded in Europe around 1998, by a British Therapist and Usui Reiki Master, Martyn Pentecost.  It is based on ancient Celtic information and uses frequencies of energy that come from the Earth.  

I have noticed in my learning and practice that these types of energies can feel different and have different effects and benefits as well.    
Usui can feel very strong and fast.  It is more masculine or ‘yang’.  It works exceptionally well for instant pain relief and clearing the energy system.  The cosmic sky energies flow automatically to wherever they need to go, for the highest good of the client. 

Celtic Reiki can feel a bit softer.  It is by nature, more ‘yin’ or feminine.  In each Celtic treatment, a new frequency is created, to assist that client with their specific goals.  It is excellent for treating emotional issues such as depression and anxiety.  

I have found that using both Usui and Celtic together, in combination treatments; can have profound, lasting and transformational effects.
Both a hug and a Reiki treatment can improve a person’s life situation instantly.  Also, both hugs and Reiki work best when permission is given first and the recipient is open to accepting and integrating benefits from the exchange.  

Although practitioners of Reiki are using source energy, rather than their own, there is still an interaction of the two peoples energy fields, in treatments.  Differences in treatments between two practitioners of the same style can be attributed to many factors including; which levels of learning and attunement (Level 1, Level 2 or Master Level) they have reached and how many years that they have been practicing, as well as the natural differences in their own personal energetic vibrations.

There are now over two million Reiki practitioners of the Usui style alone.  I would venture to guess, due to the beautiful uniqueness of each person on this planet, that there are infinite different flavours available with regards to the healing that one can receive, from connecting with others energetically, through both hugs and Reiki!

Care Hudson
Holistic Relaxation Therapist

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